Here at Skinny we believe Hot Girl Summer doesn’t have to end when summer does. Fall may be just around the corner, but we have you covered when it comes to keeping your body in the ultimate Hot Girl Summer shape. Our line of A.M. and P.M. Detox teas not only taste great, but will help keep you in peak physical shape all year long. Skinny detox teas help to boost your weight loss goals, but they also keep you energy levels high. Making for the perfect combination when trying to reach or maintain your fitness goals.

Today we will be highlighting 3 of our Detox Teas and how to enjoy them as an all day Detox Water treat. 

First off, the detox teas have to be brewed. For this there are two different ways this can be done. Just like coffee, tea can be brewed hot or it can be brewed in the popular method of cold brew. If you wish to make any of the below recipes quickly and on the go then you might prefer the option of a hot brew. This is simple, bring water to a boil and add in one or multiple if you are making a larger batch, of our Detox skinny tea bags. Let the tea steep for 3 to 5 minutes depending on how strong you would like the tea to be. After the steeping time is finished, remove the tea bags as you do not want to risk the tea becoming bitter. If you have the time, cold brew tea can be a great option, as it can produce a much smoother and balanced brew. Again, choose the amount of tea you would like to brew and place that in either a cup or pitcher. Pour in cold water and place in the refrigerator overnight, up to 6 to 8 hours. By morning you will have the perfect cup of Detox tea to jump start your day with! Both of these methods can be used for the A.M. and P.M. teas. 

Below you will find three recipes highlighting two of our A.M. Detox teas, Raspberry Peach and Tropical and one of our P.M. Detox teas, Lemon.  Each of these recipes are perfect to take on the go, especially in our very own Skinny Water Bottle

1. Raspberry Peach A.M. Detox Tea, this recipe yields about 6 cups


  • 2 tea bags of Raspberry Peach A.M. Detox Tea
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 peaches sliced
  • 1 cup of raspberries
  • Mint leaves to taste


  1. Steep the 2 tea bags in your preferred brewing method, either hot brew or cold brew. Remove tea bags once this step is complete
  2. Muddle the raspberries. If you desire you can muddle the raspberries and mint together to release the natural mint oils into the tea.
  3. In the tea combine peach slices, raspberries, and mint. If you like additional sweetness on top of the fruit, then add to your liking either agave nectar or honey. Add ice if you used the hot brew method or refrigerate until cold. Enjoy in your Skinny Water Bottle!

2. Tropical A.M. Detox Tea, this recipe yields about 6 cups


  • 2 tea bags Tropical A.M. Detox Tea
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 kiwi peeled, cut into slices
  • 1 mango, diced
  • ⅓ cup of fresh pineapple, diced
  • Mint leaves, to taste


  1. Steep the 2 tea bags in your preferred brewing method, either hot brew or cold brew. Remove tea bags once this step is complete.
  2. Dice and slice up your kiwi, mango and pineapple.
  3. If you wish, muddle your mint leaves to extract the natural oils for a stronger flavor.
  4. Add the kiwi, mango, pineapple, and mint to your Tropical Detox Tea.  Add ice if you used the hot brew method or refrigerate until cold. Enjoy in your Skinny Water Bottle!

3. Lemon P.M. Detox Tea, this recipe yields about 6 cups


  • 2 tea bags Lemon P.M. Detox Tea 
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 1 lime, sliced
  • ¼ cup of fresh blueberries, fresh or frozen
  • Mint or Basil leaves, to taste


  1. Steep the 2 tea bags in your preferred brewing method, either hot brew or cold brew. Remove tea bags once this step is complete.
  2. Slice up the lemon and lime. Measure out ¼ cup of blueberries.
  3. If you wish, muddle your mint or basil leaves to extract the natural oils for a stronger flavor.
  4. Add the lemon, lime, blueberries, and mint/basil to your Lemon Detox Tea. Add ice if you used the hot brew method or refrigerate until cold. Enjoy in your Skinny Water Bottle!
September 28, 2021 — Stefano Iodice