Memorial Day is now just 1 week away!  We are moving on to our 4th and final week of Skinny’s Summer Core Challenge! Remember our core is not just about having abs but it helps protect our back, organs, and have better posture which is proven to help improve mood! 

This challenge is for any fitness level!  Take it at your own pace as each week we will slowly make it progressively harder to allow you to slowly get better and feel accomplished!  

If you missed week 1, 2 or 3  just head to our blog to check it out because this week we are taking it up a notch!

Week 4 Skinny Core Challenge!

Perform 40 reps of each exercise, anything for time, perform once.

Basic Crunch 40 reps

1 - 40 second plank 

— TIP! If you are a beginner start on your knees! Later in the week you can try your toes and drop to your knees after a few seconds!

Bicycle Crunch 40 reps

1 - 40 second side plank on your right side!

— You can do this on your knees too! Or stagger your feet!

Superman 40 reps

1 - 30 second side plank on your right side!

— You can do this on your knees too! Or stagger your feet!

Leg Lifts 40 reps 

1 - 40 second plank 

— TIP! If you are a beginner start on your knees! Later in the week you can try your toes and drop to your knees after a few seconds!

Try to do this first thing in the morning to get your body moving! 

May 08, 2023 — Stefano Iodice